More than 700,000 Kiwis are living with a respiratory disease. This includes conditions such as Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) and Asthma, among others. This places a huge burden on the lives of these individuals, their families and the health system.
Asthma affects one in seven adults and one in six children in Aotearoa New Zealand. This leads to an average of 77 deaths per year, most of which are preventable.
Many people living with asthma can improve their quality of life with better asthma management.
If you are living with Asthma, you can take this quiz to see how well controlled your asthma is
- For more help to manage your asthma, check if there is a GASP trained nurse at your general practice and book in for a GASP assessment to review your asthma to make sure you are on the right medications and management plan.
Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) is caused by long-term exposure to substances that can irritate and damage your lungs, such as smoking or certain types of fumes, dust and chemicals at work.
The majority of COPD in Aotearoa New Zealand is caused by breathing in tobacco smoke. This is either directly by smoking or indirectly from second-hand smoke. If you need help to quit smoking, visit the Smokefree website.
Managing your COPD
- Take the quiz to see the impact COPD is having on your wellbeing
- Talk to your Doctor or Nurse about how you can manage your COPD.
Comprehensive Care’s Respiratory Services
We place the patient at the heart of everything we do and as leaders in respiratory disease we are committed to improving the lives of those living with asthma, COPD and other respiratory illnesses.
Comprehensive Care has developed a tool called GASP – Giving Airways Support to Patients. This tool helps primary care health professionals, such as the doctors and nurses at your general practice, to assess the current state of a patient’s asthma and helps to work out a tailored plan to manage it, based on the most up to date guidelines.
GASP has been proven to improve the quality of life by enabling patients with asthma and other respiratory concerns to manage their condition, to do more, and feel better.
The Asthma and Respiratory Foundation NZ
Breathe Better September is an initiative run by The Asthma and Respiratory Foundation NZ. Breathe Better September challenges people to take part in a fundraising campaign to help improve the lives of Kiwis with respiratory conditions.
To find out more or to take part, visit: