New Zeland

Comprehensive Care supports patients and their whānau by funding palliative care support.

Palliative care is care for people of all ages with a life-limiting condition. No matter who we are, no matter what our background, we all eventually face death and dying. Palliative and end of life care provides people with humane and dignified support and services as they face a life limiting condition. This care is essential.

We support patients to access home-based GP and practice nurse terminal care services at no cost, lifting the financial burden on patients and whānau in the last months of life. Māori, Pacific and Asian whānau generally prefer to have family members end of life care managed at home but often cannot afford the practice team services required.


Palliative care in New Zealand aims to:

  • Optimise an individual’s quality of life until death by addressing the person’s physical, psychosocial, spiritual and cultural needs
  • Support the individual’s family, whānau and other caregivers where needed into bereavement.


This support helps people with doctor or practice nurse visits, including after-hours appointments, home visits, and the development of an appropriate care plan.

For more information about Palliative Care support, please contact your Doctor.

New Zeland