New Zeland

Comprehensive Care is committed to creating quality educational experiences that result in the improvement of health outcomes for all New Zealanders. This is achieved by ensuring that health professionals and our community has access to quality learning programmes.

Our online learning management system, Tāku Ako, enables learners to manage their own learning journey. The current online programmes are suitable for those within the primary care sector. Namely:

  • General Practitioners
  • Practice Nurses
  • Pharmacists
  • Medical receptionists
  • Health Coaches and Health Improvement Practitioners

We offer a variety of courses that can be accessed online when the learner is available and ready to learn, or delivered face-to-face in a group environment with a variety of tools that suit many learning preferences.

Professional accreditation

The courses meet professional development requirements for the Royal New Zealand College of General Practitioners (RNZCP) and Nursing Council of New Zealand (NCNZ)  The CPD points and certificates are stored in the learner’s history and can be accessed at any stage.

Login to Tāku Ako

Start your learning and development journey as a member of Comprehensive Care: Login to Tāku Ako.

For more information on how to register or to enquire about courses offered, please contact

New Zeland